Alcohol over use

Let me guess... you've found your way to this page because you have another shitty hangover and everything is bleak and seems hopeless.

Or did your partner give you an ultimatum?... Maybe they really mean it this time... you probably deserve it right?

Or did your kids look at you in a way that shot an arrow straight into your heart?

Or maybe you took some stupid risk last night that put yourself or someone else in danger. 

You don't remember what you said or did, do you? Again.

And again and again and again...

Maybe it's almost that time of day to open another bottle or can so that you can get a few hours of relief from thinking about it all.


Make a different choice, do something different...


No matter how bleak things seem, you can turn this around.

You are in control.

You make the choices now.

Don't look back at what is and what was, just look forward to new possibilities. What 'do' you want?

The benefits that are waiting ahead for you:

  • Better sleep (one of the biggies, bliss, big impact on all of your life)
  • Weight loss
  • Healthier skin and hair
  • Bright, shining eyes
  • Better relationships
  • You get A LOT more stuff done in your days
  • No whole days lost due to hangover
  • No bad moods
  • More energy, you'll be interested in exercise again

And many more that you never even thought of.

Is hypnotherapy effective for stopping alcohol over consumption?

Hypnotherapy can definitely be life changing to deal with any issues you may have going on that are triggering you to drink.

However, some people need a lot more help than others and in that case, you may need help from a medical specialist. If this is the case, I can work together as a team with your counsellor or other specialist professional if you decide you would like hypnotherapy to complement the good work you are doing in your programme. 

Always considering your safety and well-being first, hypnotherapy can help you to deal with anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, trauma, grief, relationhip issues and much more. Hypnosis allows your powerful subconscious mind to release the past, learn empowerment and learn new resources and coping skills moving forward.

You are always in control.

Hypnosis is safe, natural and enjoyable and it really works.

If you have found your way to this page and you are suicidal, please get in touch with The Samaritans.

If you are a heavy drinker, it can be dangerous for you to cold-turkey quit. You'll need to see a doctor or talk to a specialist.

Contact me for a free consultation by telephone call or video call and ask any questions you like.