Case studies

Anonymous case studies of clients who have seen me for hypnotherapy 

Lady in her 60s who quit smoking, 40 per day, in 2020

A lady in her 60s came to see me to quit smoking four years ago. She smoked 40 per day and quit that day and has never looked back. Her main reason was her health and of course her family and especially her grandchildren. She referred her friend to me who also wanted to quit, and since her friend had done so well with hypnosis, she felt this was right for her. Although her main language was not English, she did speak English well enough, but we had to take time in the session to make sure she understood well. She left the session delighted and empowered with her freedom back. Two weeks later and she is still going well.

Male in his 70s wanting hypnotherapy for Anger

Anger = Dis-regulation of nervous system - Hypnosis can help by revealing why and how this happens and doing a reset of your emotions. You are not broken! You are perfectly natural and normal and your mind/body is doing what it is supposed to do to protect you.

A man in his 70s came into my clinic two weeks ago, his shoulders were hunched over and his beautiful blue eyes were just about in tears as he asked me to help him to save his marriage. His problem was his anger and flying into a rage at the slightest trigger. It had been going on for as long as he could remember. Now, he is living the dream on the Costa Blanca, he has a privileged life and wants to enjoy playing padel with his friends.

I explained to him why this anger happens, biologically, and it was as if a light came on, an aha! moment, that once you know you can't un-know. You are normal, your mindbody is functioning correctly, but you have got into a habit of thinking and behaving that has become the 'normal' for you. There are many different tools and techniques I use in my clinical hypnotherapy practice. In this case we used EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, a system of tapping on the meridian points while focusing on the unwanted feeling and repeating certain words. I love it because it is fast and effective! We then did some work on confidence, self-respect and love. I sent him a video about forgiveness for homework, by Dr Fred Luskin, which he enjoyed because Dr Luskin is so relatable and his messages are clear and easy to understand and put into practice. He also practiced a powerful morning affirmation upon first awakening by simply saying 'Today is a good day'.

Well, we didn't even need a second session! The man who came back to see me had a straight back and shoulders and a light in his eyes. He was a changed man! He told me that he felt much calmer and nothing bothered him. Even as one typical example, when he had placed his dirty trousers in the laundry then his wife placed the same dirty trousers back on the bed, normally he would have flipped and flown into a dark rage! But he just shrugged his shoulders. My work is done and I am extremely proud of this wonderful human ❤

Female in her 50s, unable to write due to a hand injury

This one always makes me smile! The lady had severed the tendons in her hand in an accident and had several surgeries to repair it. After it was healed, she found she was still unable to write. In hypnosis, she discovered that the reason she was unable to write was because she thought she would be well enough to go back to work, to a very stressful job which she detested. We used Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping on meridian points and saying certain words while connecting with the emotion) and metaphorical stories in a hypnotic trance. Her subconscious was in the safe place it needed to be, without the analytical,  critical conscious mind interfering, so that it could figure things out in it's own way. Well, she figured out that she didn't have to go back to that job and that she had other alternatives. She came out of the trance and straight away drew a picture of this beautiful butterfly with a thank you note written by her hand for the first time writing after many months. I still have it!

Female 17, exam anxiety, blanking out in exams.

The key with the young ones is to have a good client/therapist relationship with them. I am great with kids and I love it when they come through the door because they are most often the best hypnotic subjects. They are more often naturally in and out of hypnosis than adults and they just 'get it' easily. I love to teach them the power of their mind at this young age, I wish I had known these things! Having said this, if the young one is only coming to see me because their parents have 'told them to,' they might not be so open to learning hypnosis. I am good at putting them at ease, but you know your teenager best! Please make sure this is what they really want to do. I can even jump on a video call with them if they want to ask me any questions. And, of course, what happens in the therapy room stays in the therapy room. It is a safe place for them to express themselves if they want to. 

This young lady was bright and had done all her studies, but was a blank page in her mind when she sat down to an exam. I taught her about how our flight, fight, freeze mechanism works. It is designed to ramp up cortisol and adrenaline if it perceives there is danger (the danger could be fear of unknown or fear of failure, for example). With our body in this stress mode, it is designed to increase the heart rate and blood pressure and send blood to the extremities. Therefore, there is less blood available to the brain for critical thinking. Fortunately, it is very easy to regulate the nervous system and I teach breathing and self hypnosis techniques, often along with an affirmation that I get the child to think of on their own. Then I'll explain to them what hypnosis is and they can ask any questions they like. Then I'll teach them how they can go into hypnosis (all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you always have the choice). Then there will be a metaphorical story along with suggestions for empowerment, confidence and clarity. We use 'future pacing', which is imagining yourself out in the future, doing whatever it is you wish to do and doing it brilliantly. She got through her exams and now I hear she has moved to another country, doing further education and working in a restaurant and all the things you do at this age, oh to be young again!

Female in her 40s, phobia of intestinal worms and also wanting to achieve health-related goals

After her children, and then whole family, contracted intestinal worms, this wonderful mum took the whole burden of responsibility on her own shoulders and felt that she was unable to care for her family. Over a couple of years, it was severely affecting her life and her relationships. She was in constant depression and not socialising or doing the things she usually loves to do. She booked in for three sessions. We covered the basics of why this is happening to her biologically (the fight, flight, freeze mechanism), found out what she would like to achieve and how she would like to feel (in her own words), so that we could do the work towards that. We used Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping on meridian points and saying certain words while connecting with the emotion), we did metaphorical work in trance, regression to the cause (only when she was ready and comfortable to do so) and also Simpson Protocol, a comprehensive hypnosis programme that covers all areas of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. She did what she needed to do and was back to her sparkly self after the three sessions. Which was great because there were lots of tears of hopelessness when she first cam to see me, she made the changes admirably! She booked in another three sessions to work on something completely different, her health goals, and used what she had learned about the power of hypnosis to make changes in this aspect of her life too. Her husband was so impressed with the change he saw in her that he even booked some sessions with me!

Female in her 70s, weight loss

I have to come back and write up some more case studies. Watch this space!

Male in his 40s, excessive perspiring during meetings and a fear of looking over the edge of a mountain while riding his mountain bike.

Male in his 70s, grief

Female in her 50s, Anxiety and long-term depression

Female in her 30s, alcohol over use

Hi Kath. Just to say I have been to two bars today for two birthdays I am so pleased I have refused alcohol and it’s not one bit bothered me 😱 I know this

Audio recording on the way!

Hi Kath. Just to say I have been to two bars today for two birthdays I am so pleased I have refused alcohol and it’s not one bit bothered me 😱 I know this sounds so crazy I really can’t wait till my next sessions 😁

"Many thanks, Kathleen!  Your hypnosis method easily, safely and reassuringly guided me to the crux of the matter and your kind and human approach made each session agreeable!  I would highly recommend both you and your work!"
I’ve been working with Kath for the past year and each time I see her, her sessions and my results get more and more powerful. She has a wonderful ability connecting to you on all levels and knowing what you need before you know it yourself. Plus she provides a really safe space to express yourself fully. Thank you for supporting my journey and empowering me with your work. 

Nice to hear from you. I have been meaning to let you know that I had my first Moderna vaccine last week. Frank, my dog, was leading the way so I had no worries! Was really no problem, thank you!
This Friday I have to go for a blood test, back to the hospital where I passed out before. That will be interesting!

I did spend a lots of time to try and find a hypnotherapist for my son. After two not very good experiences I almost gave up. Then I found Kathleen by a chance. She had no problem with working with kids and she was amazing! My son felt like a super hero during his session (his words). And not only that - the problem we were tackling disappear immediately. Kathleen is very friendly, easy to talk to but still super professional and I would not hesitate to recommend her services (and I did :-)) Thank you Kathleen!

It's hard to share my experience of working with Kathleen without, I'm sure, sounding totally over the top. But the truth is Kathleen is a truly gifted lady. Her gentle approach to sessions can actually leave you thinking 'is that it, surely it can't be that simple...' but what I came to understand is that the whole experience felt simple because of Kathleen's skilful way of working. I initially went to Kathleen due to my weight. I was exhausted with yo-yo dieting and desperate to get help. With Kathleen's help it was apparent that my weight issue was a sticking plaster over much deeper wounds that needed to be addressed. Through hypnosis they were addressed... I've no idea how, all I know is my life has been transformed by meeting this kind unassuming lady who gently but expertly took me on a journey through hypnosis that has led me to a place of peace I didn't even know I was looking for, let alone exist! If you are anxious, struggling or in search of a good night's sleep or freedom from addiction... you don't have to talk about it, this isn't counselling but it sure is life changing & for that I will forever be grateful to this wonderful lady  💜💜

Would like to say a big thank you to Kathleen Misson for doing a SP session with me. I had a bad cold for almost a month and that has now cleared up to almost nothing.. Kathleen keep up your passion for SP, you're very good with it... Thank you.. 💜

Hi Kathleen, I want to thank you again for this morning. I found it amazing and really hope he will see some difference, when he is back to school. I just wish we met you earlier 🙂 I will update you. Have a great day x

Kathleen is Amazing at what she does! My experience with her has been fantastic! My feeling over over-anxiety and worry is just gone, and I can't explain it but I feel more like me, for the first time in a long time. Grounded and just at ease in my own life. I try to think back on the session and it's like an almost remembered dream and I just feel so great! Thank you Kathleen, for what you do!

"You have really helped me with my fear of heights, recently walked across a rope bridge and jumped on it 🤪"

"Two sessions of hypnotherapy have achieved more for me than 12 years of therapy."

Thank you so much... I’ve just completed my journal for this morning & I can’t believe how much my mindset has changed in only three weeks... I’ve tried different counselling services before but I realise now all that did was focus on the horrors of the past & feed those memories... those ones are still there but I can see you have given me tools to strengthen who I am & my hope is that there is a way to take away the impact of those horrors so that my thoughts & beliefs about myself & the consequent habits & behaviours will be changed forever & I will be free... I don’t expect that next week but I have faith it will come...

I’ve been in acute pain after injuring my ankle a couple of weeks ago, and even with prescription painkillers found sleeping and walking with crutches very difficult.

A friend recommended that tried hypnotherapy with Kathleen.  To be honest, I was a bit sceptical about the whole idea, but after speaking with her on the telephone decided to give it a go.

It’s now been 24 hours during which I’ve had no sensation of pain whatsoever.  I obviously realise the underlying injury still exists, but am relieved not to be in agony while that heals!

"PS Just to let you know that I haven't felt anxious to eat chocolate at all since my visit to you. Xx"

"I slept like a queen. Thank you."

That was absolutely exquisite I thought for sure it had only been 10 minutes. 

You couldn’t have taken me to a better place although I couldn’t decide which beautiful beach to go to. I did first go to the side of the peñón, it’s a fish breeding ground and the snorkeling there is wonderful. 

My hands had gone completely numb when I opened my eyes. 

I felt amazingly relaxed... I used to be so hyper and couldn’t switch off, always on vigil. 

You have a wonderful skill and technique. 

Thank you, thank you!

Kathleen! Your sessions are like a sojourn into a landscape of marvels and peace! I love your approach, and think you are an artist, rather than merely a practitioner.

Thank you for entering my life precisely when you did. I was waiting for you and didn’t even know it!

Hi Kathleen,

Just a quick note to let you know how much Wednesday’s session helped.

After being able to stand up and walk to the car much easier than when we arrived, we went down to the beach to take some photos. Without thinking I walked down about 10 steps carrying a tripod and out onto the loose stand. Looking back that was obviously a stupid thing to do, and if I hadn’t been holding tripod would have definitely fallen over.

That said back “sensation” beats back pain!

We didn’t get round to arranging anything with you for the weight loss, but would like too!

Kind Regards

"Hi Kath

Just thought I'd let you know. Slept without noise. Slept without a top on. Slept without drugs just homeo. 6 hours REM then 3 hours with meditation tape.
Best of this year so far!

I will keep you informed. If a need a boost, I will contact you. 

But I think the relax strategy will do the trick long term.

Relax !!"

"It was a great relief to be able to spit that heaviness out of me. There is even more to be released and I’m on the right path. Thank you so much for enable me with such great skills at hand, ready to be used when needed."

"I have never had such a relaxing and also liberating experience as in the hypnotherapy sessions with Kathleen. She's also dedicated and very professional. With her broad experience as well as a  background with NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming), she's also a really good Life and Business Coach. I'm now getting her help structuring my business ideas, at the same time as the Hypnotherapy is working to remove my mental blocks and insecurities. Kathleen is  without a doubt one in a million, and absolutely brilliant!"

"Kathleen is a wonderful person who puts her whole being and soul into all that she does. She strives to help others with her work which is full of this heartfelt energy. Her passion and expertise in hypnotherapy provide amazing results. I recommend you see her for any help in facilitating a happier, healthier more fulfilling life."

"The session I had with you was amazing as beforehand I was super stressed, that evening I slept so well.....thanks you are a special lady.....🥰🥰🥰 xxx"

Yes, there have been lots of changes since my first encounter with Kathleen, and not precisely those expected in the fields in which I was focussing during the sessions, but on a more fundamental level.

What I believe has happened with the hypnotherapy sessions with Kathleen is that by reconnecting to my own true source of Love, in a very subtle way, my issues are finding their release effortlessly and are taking their natural expression. 

Thank you Kathleen.

With Love, always, 

"My experiences with Kathleen as a hypnotherapist have been out of this world. When she tried to help me with her system, with her BEING, she not only helped me to deal with my worries. A big door was opened for me which led to much deeper issues. I feel that her aim when she tries to help people goes much further than the materialistic issues and reasons, she HELPS SOULS!

The proof: I am writing this!

Stay humble as you are. That will make your light shine, as it is now.

All my love and thanking you from my heart."

"Kathleen has a unique voice and talent to calm your mind and make you connect with your true her session,helped me to let go a very deep subconscious fear..She has a lot to share and show you about yourself. I highly recommend her, thanks for the experience" 🙏

"Just wanted to say thank you for the hypnosis yesterday.  When I left you, I had an email saying that my job as a rep this summer isn't happening due to a huge fall in lettings because of Brexit.  I think the hypnosis helped me deal with that and it really helped me when I went to bed and woke during the night with too much on my mind.  Adopting it as a daily practice, so thank you so much. X"

«He tenido una sesión de hipnoterapia y fue maravillosa. Me sentí completamente renovada y con mucha energía y confianza para seguir adelante con mis estudios y mi proyecto profesional. Muchas gracias, Kathleen.»

"Onwards and upwards Kathleen Misson. You have integrity and are ready and very able to use hypnotherapy as a force for good for your clients. Proud of you." (Mentor).

"Kathleen helped me to overcome a specific difficulty that I was experiencing in coming to terms with the stages of life, and with death. I am now able to consider the difficulties of the one, and the finality of the other, without undue concern or anxiety. I have gained peace of mind and that is invaluable to me. She is a sympathetic and comforting therapist and I cannot recommend her highly enough."

"This profession is made for Kathleen.  Her voice is so soothing. I felt completely at ease and felt that I could trust her"

"I wholeheartedly recommend Kathleen, she is a caring and skilled hypnotherapist who has a heart of gold and is there to help." - Shirley (Innervisions tutor).

Kathleen has such a caring and genuine manner, essential when seeking a therapist to help with life challenges. She is a natural for this work. Thank you Kathleen.